
Thank you very much for a useful session. An excellent overview and opportunity to ask questions ['EU antitrust and the food sector - back to the future?] (19 June 2024) Mills & Reeve LLP, London

Excellent, a very interesting presentation with a lot of helpful content  ['EU antitrust and the food sector - back to the future?] (19 June 2024) Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Brussels

We greatly enjoyed the event last evening - congratulations! ['Three M&A obstacles outside Brussels: managing EUMR, FSR and FDI risks?'] (05 June 2024) Crângașu Legal, Bucharest

Thanks a lot for the excellent update on the Market Definition Notice yesterday evening (29 February 2024) - CMS Brussels

Thank you for organizing and moderating such as insightful discussion last night ['Litigating the Foreign Subsidies Regulation - the economists' role?' (29 November 2023) Reed Smith LLP, Brussels.

Excellent once again - thank you. Always get something new out of your courses ['Enforcing the Digital Markets Act - are you ready' (07 September 2023)] Liberty Global, Amsterdam

With thanks again for yet another most insightful program - ['Enforcing the Digital Markets Act - are you ready' (07 September 2023)] Covington & Burling LLP, Seoul

Many thanks for yet again a very insightful presentation last Wednesday - ['Enforcing the Digital Services Act - the clock is running' (17 May 2023)] - Houthoff, Amsterdam

Many thanks for having organised this fascinating seminar [Enforcing the Digital Services Act - the clock is running (17 May 2023)] - Baker McKenzie, Brussels

Many thanks for the incredibly insightful webinar yesterday - ['A "cartel" by any other name?' (08 February 2023)] - Clifford Chance LLP, Brussels

That was a great event last night! ['A "cartel" by any other name?' (08 February 2023)] - Osborne Clarke, ​Köln

Thank you so much for the excellent session last week  'The new Market Definition Notice - shaken or just stirred?' (08 December 2022)] - ​Roschier, Attorneys Ltd, Helsinki

Brussels Matters talks are always informative and topical and ['Evaluating Regulation 1/2003 - just a spring clean?' 07 September 2022] was no exception. Good quality, interesting inputs - Reed Smith LLP, Paris

Thanks for organizing today's extremely interesting session  ['The new VBER - fit for the next decade?'] 12 May 2022 Marimón Abogados, Barcelona

Many thanks for organising (yet) another interesting Brussels Matters discussion on the new VBER - very insightful!  ['The new VBER - fit for the next decade?'] 12 May 2022 Allen & Overy LLP, Brussels

Thank you for today's presentation ['DG COMP's Horizontals review - a modern tableau (I)'] & looking forward to next week's session 23 March 2022 - Fondia Oyj, Helsinki

We enjoyed today's session very much. It was excellent to get a condensed update on where they stand after the ['DG COMP's Internet of Things sector inquiry - Final Report'inquiry 16 February 2022 - Advokatfirman Cederquist KB, Stockholm

Many thanks for the excellent organisation (as always) of his highly interesting session ['Collective bargaining and EU competition law - a new front?' 13 January 2022 - Bird & Bird LLP, Brussels

Thank you for excellent presentations and very interesting discussion on this important topic! ['Where is the safe (Green Deal) EU antitrust harbour c.2021?'] 18 November 2021 - Castrén & Snellman, Helsinki

Congratulations for organising yet another very interesting and topical webinar ['DG COMP's Horizontals review - changing course?'] 08 July 2021, Squire Patton Boggs LLP, London

Excellent - many thanks for the organisation of the conference.  It was very instructive and interesting ['DG COMP's Horizontals review - changing course?'] Quinz Advocaten, Vilvoorde

The speakers were excellent and the substance really useful, enhanced by the many questions prompted by the process; the answers were also very informative - ['Proposal for a Regulation on Foreign Subsidies'] 12 May 2021, Dentons Europe LLP, Brussels

Nous avons beaucoup apprecié la conférence et le question time ['Article 22 referrals Guidance / Merger Evaluation Report'] - 29 April 2021, Arendt & Medernach SA, Luxembourg

I did indeed enjoy the discussion ['Preventative (digital) antitrust in Europe'] - 25 February 2021] Mind-blowing stuff with such diverging systems on this important issue, Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab, Copenhagen

Thank you very much indeed for the insightful discussion today and looking forward to engaging with the Commission further on these themes [The VBER review - staying on the right path' - 11 December 2020], K&L Gates LLP, London

That was a super-informative discussion - thanks for arranging it ['The New Competition Tool' - 25 June 2020)] Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, London

Excellent - thanks for organising these webinars - it’s great to have the opportunity to hear from regulators and real experts on key current topics ['The Digital Services Act' - 24 June 2020] Greenberg Traurig LLP, London

Thank you very much for a very good presentation yesterday ['The Digital Services Act' - 24 June 2020] Bird & Bird, Warsaw

The last two sessions have been excellent.  The three speakers were remarkably clear and lucid - [Competition, policy & digital autonomy - the Chief Economist's view? - 30 January 2020 / Algorithms & Competition - from reports to action? - 06 February 2020] A&L Goodbody, Dublin

Excellent, interesting insights, well-presented in an easy to digest manner [The Bundeskartellamt's Amazon Decision - 25 September 2019] Barnert Egermann Illigasch Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna

A very good overview of the Special Advisers' report [03 July 2019] Slaughter and May, Brussels

We are really convinced of this format. Thank you for all your efforts to always present the hot topics in EU competition law [E-commerce and EU antitrust - 20 June 2019] Eisenberger & Herzog Rechtsanwalts GmbH, Vienna

I was talking about [The Bundeskartellamt’s Facebook Decision - a very “German” ruling? - 11 April 2019] with London lawyers today who can't believe they missed it - Citi, Dublin

The speakers were very clear and it was well organised [The Verticals (VBER) review - 21 March 2019] Slaughter and May, London

Thanks for an inspiring and useful presentation - [Dynamic counterfactuals in EU merger control? - 16 January 2019] Advokatfirmaet Ræder AS, Oslo

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