The FSR 2026 Guidelines - towards greater clarity

05 March 2025


19:00 - 20:30 (CET)


Henri Piffaut
Adviser to the Director
FSR Implementation

Location: In-person / by webinar

CPD: Accredited for 1.5 hours CPD (UK SRA)

Registration: Closes at 12PM (CET) on 5 March

The Foreign Subsidies Regulation includes a commitment by the European Commission to publish Guidelines on the application of certain of its provisions no later than mid-January next year.


The Commission should launch a call for evidence leading to draft FSR Guidelines imminently.

Last July the Commission published a staff working document setting out some preliminary clarifications on the application of the FSR that will be further refined through cases, updated FAQs and the Guidelines.

The Guidelines should cover at least the following issues, namely the application of the:

·        Criteria for determining the existence of a distortion (Article 4(1)); 

·        Balancing test (Article 6); 

·        Power to request the prior notification of any concentration (Article 21(5)) or foreign financial contribution received in public procurement procedures (Article 29(8)); and

·     The assessment of a distortion in public procurement procedures (Article 27).

Commission President Von der Leyen’s Mission Letter to EVP Teresa Ribera explicitly called for the “vigorous enforcement” of the FSR especially as regards concentrations and “…including by proactively mapping the most problematic practices that could lead to competition distortions”.

Senior EC officials have said they plan to invest more in ex-officio investigations to enable the Commission to focus its resources on the most distortive practices.

Against this background, participants in this Europe-wide 'Chatham House rule' in-person / webinar discussion (including Q&As) with Henri Piffaut will gain the earliest insights into the key issues raised in the first year of the Commission’s FSR enforcement practice, feeding into the draft Guidelines later in 2025.

List of participants (updated 13 February)

Call for evidence [when available] 

DG COMP's FSR latest news webpage (31.10.24) 

DG GROW's FSR webpage

President Von der Leyen’s Mission Letter to EVP Teresa Ribera (17.09.24)

'Three M&A obstacles outside Brussels: managing EUMR, FSR and FDI risks?' Brussels Matters (05.06.24)

'Litigating the Foreign Subsidies Regulation - the economists' role?' Brussels Matters (23.11.23)

'The Foreign Subsidies Regulation - setting priorities?' Brussels Matters (12.07.23)

Registration Fees
(Rates in €uros excluding VAT)
Category Early Normal Late
Private Sector Lawyer/Economist




General/In-house Counsel




Public Sector Lawyer




Full-Time Students/Academics/NGOs




How to participate?

You can participate in this discussion either in person (in Brussels) or by Zoom webinar.

Following registration, all participants will receive an email confirmation of participation and a receipt, once their credit card payment has been approved.

Participants will be able to join the webinar from 6:45pm (CET).

The discussion will last up to 90 minutes. All participants will receive the speaker's presentation and will be able to ask questions.

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